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Laser Treatments

Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT)

This is a procedure carried out in the clinic where gentle laser energy is applied to the drainage channel inside the eye to reduce pressure.


It can be used as a first line treatment or in addition to or instead of further eye drops.


Laser Peripheral Iridotomy


This is a procedure carried out in the clinic where a laser is used to create an opening in the iris (coloured part inside the eye) in certain conditions where the drainage channel is closed off or in danger of closing off (angle closure).


The new opening creates a communication between where fluid is produced and where it drains away and reduces the risk of a sudden, severe rise in pressure in eyes that are predisposed to this particular type of glaucoma.

Micropulse Transscleral



This is a procedure carried out in the operating theatre where laser energy is applied to the structure inside the eye that produces fluid (ciliary body).


This type of laser was historically reserved for eyes with very advanced glaucoma and poor vision due to the risk of sight loss however new (micropulse) technology allows it to be used much earlier in the disease as a way of avoiding or putting off more invasive surgery.


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